A year-round maintenance. The story of Sakura Guardians at Higashimokoto Shibazakura Park.

Shibazakura, moss phlox, that blooms from late April to early June every year The thoughts and determination for next year that will not change even in a COVID-19 crisis

Sustainable Point

Higashimokoto Shibazakura Park, located in Ozora Town, is a famous spot for shibazakura that many tourists visit every year. The origin of this park was a handful of plants planted by a farmer, Mr. Nakabachi, right after the WWII. Then he gradually increased the number of roots and created a mini Shibazakura Park of about 10a at home. Mokotoyama Hot Spring Management Public Corporation noticed the wonderfullness of the mini Shibazakura Park. At the request of the company, Mr. Nakabachi began planting Shibazakura one by one on a small hill in 1977. He extended the park by 1 ha every year, and it took him about 8 years to complete the current park. It has become one of the best tourist attractions in Eastern Hokkaido.

In the spring of 2021, it began to bloom little by little from the end of April, and it was in full bloom on May 16, but unfortunately it was closed due to the COVID-19 epidemic.Although the park was closed, the park management staff including the Shibazakura Ladies continued to weed and maintain the park even after the season was over. The Shibazakura in this park has been carefully maintained for 45 years in order for visitors to enjoy. This is why it kept maintained regardless of the COVID-19 crisis. This is truly a sustainable effort. We hope that as many people as possible will visit the park this year.
Case Studies
(The following article contents were written in the summer of 2020.)
Beautiful Shibazakura bloomed as usual in 2021.
In 2021, the Shibazakura in Higashimokoto Shibazakura Park began to bloom little by little from the end of April and was in full bloom on May 16th. The park was opened while implementing measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, but unfortunately the park had to be closed from May 17th due to the declaration of a state of an emergency in Hokkaido. Although the park was closed, Shibazakura bloomed beautifully as usual.
A handful of plants turned into a 10-ha flower field
The origin of this park was a handful of plants planted by a farmer, Mr. Nakabachi, right after the WWII. Then he gradually increased the number of roots and created a mini Shibazakura Park of about 10a at home. Mokotoyama Hot Spring Management Public Corporation noticed the wonderfullness of the mini Shibazakura Park. At the request of the company, Mr. Nakabachi began planting Shibazakura one by one on a small hill in 1977. He extended the park by 1 ha every year, and it took him about 8 years to complete the current park. It has become one of the best tourist attractions in Eastern Hokkaido.
Until next spring, we spend a year to maintain Shibazakura Park.
This is a scenery of Higashimokoto Shibazakura Park being maintained over a year by the park management staff including Shibazakura Ladies, which can be seen only for one month in spring.

[April to late October: Weeding work]
Weeding work is done 3 to 4 times in the entire park and in the nurseries. It is essential to remove small weeds so that the pink landscape is not spoiled. The use of herbicides can cause moss and weaken the Shibazakura, so it’s all in the hands of humans. In addition, pests (chafers) that eat the roots may occur every few years, and pest control measures are also taken. These tasks can only be done in the summer, so it is difficult to keep a sufficieent number of staff during the busy season.
[September to October: Replanting]
Shibazakura damaged by the weather and pests need to be replaced with new one. Doing this task on steep slopes in the park is such a hard work. It is also difficult to plant so that replaced roots can settle.
Come to Higashimokoto Shibazakura Festival in the spring of 2022.
Higashimokoto Shibazakura Festival is held every year at the same time as the Shibazakura blooms. Various stage shows are going to be held, and locally produced dairy products, agricultural products and marine products can be purchased. In addition, we are planning a firework show event and lighting up the park next year. Do not forget to eat the four kinds of soft serve ice cream limited in this park only. The most popular one is Shibazakura soft serve ice cream which has a slightly salty taste. You can also enjoy other Higashimokoto’s local gourmet foods. It is scheduled to be held from the beginning of May to the beginning of June every year. We’ll be expecting you to come to Higashimokoto Shibazakura Festival next year. (Event content may be canceled or changed depending on the status of COVID-19 pandemic.)
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